Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day Twenty-Three: Graphic Designers Have it Rough

During the school year, I work really hard on my school yearbook, because frankly, nobody else cares. I use open source photo editors and the yearbook publisher's online program, but using Adobe to create this magazine publication is way beyond my skills. It's hard. There's so much information to take in. I know it is just going to take practice, so I'm going to have to stay after school a lot and just mess around with the programs. We were supposed to finish laying out our magazines today (we spent the whole day in the computer lab doing that), but I still have 4 pages left. I think I'm going to go back and revise the cover because I'm not quite happy with it yet. When I look at my spreads, it seems like it doesn't look right because there isn't enough writing or text, like most magazines have. But most magazines that I read are commercial magazines - not high fashion ones. Paul said that I should minimized the text and let the photos and artwork shine through. 
This is the photo that I chose for my cover shot

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