Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day Twenty-Four: Adobe is Evil

djfalkasjdf. I feel like I've been beat up by a computer program. I never realized how difficult working in In Design is. Not to metion photoshop. Paul. Frank, and Raphael did their best to help us all finish laying our and editting all of our photos today. There are so many tools in photoshop, it's really overwhelming to figure out what is the best option to fix a problem. I think if I played around enough, I would get the hang of it, but I'm so focused on getting all the little details that I start to freak myself out. I'm almost done with the first draft of the thing, but we have to print it tomorrow, so I don't really have much time. I worked on the computer for over 10 hours today. I have a huge respect for graphic designers now. Even though designs might look simple (like my magazine) they easily could have taken hours upon hours of work. That's crazy. I don't know if I could do it - sitting in front of a computer all day is frustrating (and it makes me want to eat all the time). Tomorrow is the the last real day of class. I can't believe that my program at Parsons is basically over. That is absolutely crazy. I just don't understand.
another photo from the photoshoot. Gabby certainly is enjoying her
Mr. Frosty

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