Monday, July 8, 2013

Day Eight: 6 Freaking Hours

Today was a really challenging day - a test of endurance, if you will. The project in Paul's class was to paint a model in guache, surrounded by several different camoflauge prints. The shapes of the pattern combined with the drapery was especially difficult. Not to mention that I don't have a speacil affinity to gouache (I actually really really really hate it. I came home from class, and started painting my piece (which I had already started painting a little bit in class) at 4pm. I finished about ten minutes ago. Thats 6 hours. I think I've crossed the edge of insanity.

In Frank's class, we presented our mood boards and finalized our designs. Frank said that we're going to start constructing our garments tomorrow, so I'm really excited. 

Although the painting project took a lot out of me today, I think that I've grown as an artists. Sometimes, you just have to sit there and finish. There isn't anything you can do about it. I guess that was today's lesson (besides the usual "look more than you draw", "use negative spaces" and "measure")

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