Monday, July 15, 2013

Day Fifteen: The Home-Stretch of Dress Construction

This morning, with Paul, we painted a model in high contrasting black and white tones. The only paint we were allowed was black gouache, which was not to be diluted to form any variations of gray. The challenge was to really look, analyze the scene, and determine of the values we were seeing fell in the white-49% gray range, or the 51%-black range. In doing this, we were able to reduce and compress the model and his surroundings into shapes of black on white paper. I found this exercise challenging, but not tedious like the gray-scale project. While looking at the past blog posts made by previous year's students, I nervously anticipated this painting because I thought that it would be difficult and that I would not succeed. Though the technique is a little difficult to master, I really like the graphic contrast in the final result, and the process of analyzing the model made me thoroughly consider the use of my paint, because once it was applied, there was no going back.
In the afternoon, Sami and I continued to fold endless paper chains while Gabby worked on the hoop of the skirt. Although we thought that we had folded plenty of paper, we still lacked enough to cover the bodice. Though it drove us to the brink of insanity, we finished the bodice at the end of class, and Gabby began draping the blue fused trashbags over the frame. The dress is really coming together. I can't wait until the photoshoot on Thursday.

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